Mayor of Taunton opening Photographic Exhibition

Its been a busy few weeks and we are nearly there…

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sam post 7-8-14

Films have all be developed now and printing is underway in the darkroom, the launch night is being finalised on Friday 19th September at 19:00 and is to be opened by the Mayor of Taunton with a short speech by Paul Conibeare, the West Somerset Railways general manager. Alan, the Steam Driver and Actor will also give a short speech. A steam locomotive and the ‘sleeping coach’ will be available to look around.

Developed Film

Local press, photographers and local artists have been invited to event, we will also have the mobile darkroom up and running which will also be available for viewing on Saturday 20th. If you are interested in coming on Friday the 19th please get in touch and we will try to squeeze you in!

Exhibition Print first

A reminder that the photographic darkroom box will be in operation on 19th September at the Launch and on September 20th from 10am-4pm